1969 & 2014 Pacific DC Intertie | USA

America’s 1st HVDC line

Challenge: securing long distance transmission and network stability

In the 1960s, the Pacific Intertie decided to build the 1st HVDC line in the USA to link the major hydropower resources on the Columbia river to the southwestern consumption zones.

What we delivered: proven high quality and service reliability in DC over 50 years

BPA (Bonneville Power Administration) and LADWP (Los Angeles Department of Water and Power)  selected glass insulation technology and awarded contracts to Sediver, respectively for 100 000 and 66 000 toughened glass insulators.

In 2013, to secure the reliability of this major power supply, BPA, the owners of the Celilo northern station, decided to refurbish and upgrade the station capacity to 3,800 MW. BPA confirmed their choice for glass technology delivered by Sediver. This renewed partnership is the result of the proven high quality and outstanding service reliability of Sediver glass insulators over nearly 5 decades.