
Leading by example is one of Sediver's core values

CEO message

At Sediver we foster a culture of integrity and compliance. We place the utmost importance on compliance and integrity in all our activities. Our business practices are based on high ethical principles, and this forms one of the main pillars of our Group’s sustainable development. Our ethical principles are essential to establishing and maintaining trust with each other, as well as in our day-to-day operations with our customers, suppliers, business partners and communities.

Since mid-2015 we have a robust Compliance Management System in place. You will find below an overview of our Compliance Management System as well as our Code of Conduct.

Erik Göthlin

Erik Göthlin


Since 2015, Sediver has implemented a clear Compliance Management System (CMS) to ensure business is conducted not only in full compliance with the local applicable laws & regulations, but also in line with our high ethical standards and principles, namely integrity, honesty and respect for human dignity.

Compliance Management System Overview

Compliance booklet

The Sediver Compliance Booklet offers an overview on the binding guidelines for the conduct of all business units and employees. It provides initial and quick guidance to promote ethical behavior in a challenging and changing business world. The responsibility and duty of Sediver and its employees are to always:

  • Comply with all applicable laws and regulations (including anti-trust and anti-corruption laws and regulations)
  • Observe and promote high ethical business standards and be honest and integer
  • Respect and treat fairly all colleagues, customers, suppliers, other business partners and various stakeholders
  • Be loyal to Sediver and protect its assets, confidential information, data and know-how
  • Secure the health and safety of colleagues and neighbors
  • Protect the environment


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Code of conduct

This Code of Conduct provides the legal and ethical framework for the conduct of all directors, officers and employees of Sediver and defines the basic rules of conduct within Sediver and in relation to its business partners and the general public. It also reflects the underlying basic values pursued by Sediver, including in particular values with respect to employment, health and safety at work and product safety as well as environmental protection. It is complemented by more specific guidelines for selected important areas (such as anti-trust and anti-corruption) and the appointment of a Chief Compliance Officer supported by local Compliance Representatives.


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Integrity line

  • Sediver has an Integrity Line in place to encourage our employees and business partners to speak up if they need to report any possible ethical or compliance concerns
  • Sediver Integrity Line is a web-based system operated by an external law-firm which provides a high level of data security
  • Any concern can be submitted in the strictest confidence, as all reports and any communication between the reporting person and the law-firm is protected by the professional secrecy obligation of an attorney
  • The conditions for using the Integrity Line are available on the Bkms portal

Integrity line access

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Judith Villié Chief Compliance Officer

Local compliance representatives


Elen Castilho

+55 21 99306-2433


Georgia Skoufaras

+1 514-836-8662


Jialin Cao

+86 13801993302


Claire Mury

+33 1 46 14 15 23


Federica Scannerini

+39 055 776 1406


Kim Murrell

+1 901 277 1844

Modern slavery statement


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