Health | Safety | Quality | Environment
Based on common stringent internal criteria, our HSE system aims at harmonizing, supervising and meeting up with the most demanding safety standards within all our plants. To prevent security-related incidents and come up with active and reactive actions, Sediver is constantly checking its installations, production equipment, staff protective equipment, working methods and conditions while employees are regularly trained.
Environmentally responsible
Minimizing our environmental impact
All Sediver plants are ISO 14.001 certified, and our operations are conducted in an environmentally friendly manner, including the qualification of suppliers, the choice of materials, sourcing, transportation… We reduce the use of hazardous materials to the minimum possible, and when used, they are strictly used according to the regulation requirements.
Minimizing the pollution emission
We go beyond the local regulatory requirements by setting stringent thresholds in our plants and workplace: the levels of our pollution emission and waste in our workplace is much lower than legal requirements.
Sustainable resource management
We develop new technologies and materials to reduce our consumption of energy, water, wood and paper and thus minimize the waste of natural resources. We focus on waste recycling (97% of our waste are recycled) and aim at reducing even further the volume of waste sent to landfill.
A staff safety plan is imbedded within Quality assurance and Sediver Production System (SPS) and comes in addition to our plants OSHAS 18001 and ISO 45001 certifications.
Reporting & Auditing
We daily monitor the security of the past 24 hours. A reporting tool – the safety cross – has been set up to mark each day on the 4 following aspects: safe day, near miss, first aid and lost time accident. Yearly audits handled centrally are undertaken across the group. They generate detailed reports that set the new orientations & improvement actions that will be put in place by plant and top managers in the year to come.
Our Commitment to Product Quality
Product quality excellence and reliability is part of our DNA and is a core value at Sediver.
To fulfil our commitment to quality, we comply with all applicable standards and to Sediver stringent internal quality control management system. We are committed to ensuring that our products are designed, manufactured, delivered in accordance with the highest quality standards requirements.
The research laboratory in St Yorre (France) is ISO 9001 certified and the high voltage testing laboratory in Bazet (France) is COFRAC accredited (details available on Our manufacturing plants and local laboratories are ISO 9001 certified and we have set a continuous process improvement system, SPS for Operational Excellence & Product Quality to ensure we meet our objectives through:
- Process optimization
- Suppliers strict qualification & integration
- Individual traceability of the products
- Solid quality management system and a strong dedicated organization