Introducing our new mascot Glassy. Our scientific director jean-Marie George and him will have several interesting conversation over the coming weeks.
Why an insulator is a key component?
Today, Glassy and our Scientific Director Jean Marie George will have their first conversation in this video to better understand why an insulator is a key component of an overhead line.
What are the design specificities of a toughened glass insulator?
Our scientific director continues his conversation with our Mascot Glassy. Today they’re talking about the design of the cap & pin insulator…
A careful examination of the design will reveal a much more subtle product with some very technical design features!
What is the result of the toughening process? Part 1
Our scientific director in this short video will explain the toughening process to our Mascot Glassy.
This is a central part of our manufacturing process and gives our insulator their remarkable strength.
What is the result of the toughening process? Part 2
In this conversation our scientific director will present to our mascot Glassy the results of the toughening process. As a reminder, the external compression zone of the glass acts like a shield and makes the insulator mechanically very resistant.
Why toughened glass insulators are hard to break?
In this episode, our scientific director, with Glassy’s help, will explain why toughened glass insulators are mechanically very strong.
Why toughened glass insulators don’t age?
Our scientific director and Glassy will have again a conversation… but this time it is about the expected lifetime of a toughened glass insulator and why Glassy don’t age!
Why toughened glass insulators are safe & easy to inspect?
In this video Jean-Marie will explain to Glassy why there is nothing hidden in a toughened glass insulator, this technology offers a 100% reliable inspection from a simple glance without any need for testing or special observation instruments.
How flashover occurs?
In this video, Jean-Marie will have a last conversation with Glassy on how flashover can occur. For now, this is the final episode of this new series of videos. Thank you for joining us.
Glassy will be back soon…
Glassy and Jean-Marie will come back soon with a new topic of conversation, so stay tuned.

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