As part of our commitments to the Sustainable Development Goals, we are working on the decarbonization of our activities.
In July 2022, we launched our carbon footprint assessment, covering all three scopes defined in the norm 14064, with the support of all our teams across the organization (Operations, Supply Chain, HR, Finance, etc.).
This will serve as our baseline for our net-zero contribution roadmap and action plan.
Let us discover the results.
First, what is a carbon footprint assessment?
A carbon footprint assessment is an inventory of greenhouse gases emissions, occurring directly or indirectly due to the activities of an organization over a given period.
Calculating its corporate carbon footprint…
Scope of our carbon footprint assessment:
- Reporting period: full year 2021
- Methodology: BEGES (Bilan des Emissions de Gaz à Effet de Serre – GHG emissions assessment) in line with ISO 14064
- Organizational scope: all direct emissions (sources controlled by the organization) and indirect emissions (sources required for the organization’s activities) of Sediver.
- Scopes 1 & 2: all emissions related to flows concerning activities directly controlled and operated by the company.
- Scope 3: all emissions related to flows concerning all other activities in the value chain (upstream, parallel, downstream)
Of course we included the full Scope 1 and 2 of our activities, but also completed a thorough review of our Scope 3 upstream and downstream, including the distribution, use of our products and their end-of-life.
Our overall results & next steps
- Purchases (raw material and components) account for the biggest source of emissions of Sediver, which is closely correlated to our main production activities.
- The consumption of electricity in our industrial sites is the second biggest emission factor.
- The third biggest source is the end-of-life treatment process of our products.
- The transport of products and raw materials as well as industrial processes account for the other top sources of carbon emissions.
Today our 2030 decarbonization roadmap is being built with the following key levers:
- Continuously reduce our energy consumption
- Develop Renewable energy purchases
- Increase our products’ lifespan and develop eco-design solutions with our Customers
- Work with our Supply Chain to identify lower carbon alternatives (transportation, sourcing, localization)
- Industrialise products’ end-of-life recycling.
通过本表格收集的信息由SEDIVER(简化的股份有限公司)处理,该公司在Nanterre 贸易和公司登记处注册,注册号542035761,总部位于7/9 allée de l 'Arche 92400 Courbevoie,目的是允许您下载我们的白皮书文件,并向您发送我们集团公司和产品的信息。这些处理活动的法律依据是我们需要知道谁访问和下载了我们的资源,以及给他们发送直接市场沟通的合法权益。